
As a professional association, the management of the Croatian Composers’ Society (HDS) is governed by the Law on Associations and the HDS Statute itself, which is based on many practical specificities derived from a tradition spanning more than six decades. Certain aspects of the association’s functioning are regulated by specific internal regulations. The working bodies and their responsibilities are defined by the HDS Statute.
The highest governing body of the Society is the General Assembly, where each regular member participates with one vote. Regular General Assemblies are held once a year (usually in June), and extraordinary assemblies can be convened as needed. The General Assembly makes strategic decisions determining the Society’s long-term policies, elects and dismisses members of the Assembly of Representatives and the Supervisory Board, evaluates their work and reports, adopts an annual report on business transparency, approves the work plan and financial plan for the next calendar year, and adopts the activity report for the previous calendar year, among other tasks.
The Assembly of Representatives is a body of the Society consisting of 12 (twelve) members elected by the General Assembly. In the election of members, it is ensured that five members are regular members from the ranks of composers of popular music, four from the ranks of composers of contemporary or jazz music, and one regular member each from the ranks of applied music composers, lyricists (text authors), and legal entities (rights holders). The Assembly of Representatives also includes two associate members in an advisory role without voting rights. The mandate of the members of the Assembly of Representatives is four years and can be renewed.
The Management Board of the Society consists of the President, Vice President, and Secretary General of the Society. The Management Board manages the Society’s operations (Article 232 of the ZAPSP) in accordance with the guidelines of the Assembly of Representatives.
The Secretary General of the Society is elected by the Assembly of Representatives from the ranks of regular members for a four-year term (which can be renewed). The Secretary General coordinates, leads, and supervises the work of the heads of professional departments, employees of the Society, artistic directors of events and projects, and legal entities owned by the Society.
The Supervisory Board consists of three members elected by the General Assembly for a four-year term, which can also be renewed. In the election of Supervisory Board members, it is ensured that one member is elected from the ranks of regular members who are composers of popular or jazz music, one from the ranks of regular members of contemporary music, and one regular member from the ranks of music writers, lyricists (text authors), and legal entities (rights holders). The members of the Supervisory Board elect a chairperson from among themselves. Decisions of the Supervisory Board are made by a majority vote of its members. Members of the Supervisory Board cannot simultaneously be members of the Management Board, the Assembly of Representatives, or individuals representing the Society in any capacity.
The role, rights, and obligations of the General Director of ZAMP are also defined by the Statute and general acts of the Society, and their authority is limited to the operations of the ZAMP department. The General Director of ZAMP is accountable to the Assembly of Representatives (which elects them), the Management Board, the President, and the Secretary General of the Society and is required to adhere to their lawful instructions and directives.
Management Board
Miroslav Buljan
Predsident of the Assembly of Representatives
Ivan Josip Skender
Vice President of the Assembly of Representatives
Antun Tomislav Šaban
Secretary General of the Society
Assembly of Representatives
Aleksandar Antić
Miroslav Buljan
Dalibor Grubačević
Miron Hauser
Siniša Leopold
Branimir Mihaljević
Dubravko Palanović
Ines Prajo
Ivan Josip Skender
Berislav Šipuš
Damir Urban
Dancing Bear Publishing d.o.o. (Ana Škarica Lešić)
Hana Breko Kustura
Representative of the associate members – advisory
Siniša Škarica
Representative of the associate members – advisory
The Supervisory Board
Miroslav Drljača – Rus
Zvonimir Dusper – Dus
Mladen Tarbuk
Committee for Regular Membership Admission
Ana Horvat
Toni Eterović
Bojana Plećaš Kalebota
Publishing Committee
Jelena Vuković
Ivan Josip Skender
Copyright Committee
Nenad Belan
Frano Đurović
Tomo Johannes in der Mühlen
Đelo Jusić jr.
Ivan Huljić
Husein Hasanefendić
Zlatan Stipišić
Borna Šercar
Željka Veverec
Mihovil Šoštarić
External member without voting rights