



a Member of HDS

The Assembly of Representatives of the Croatian Composers' Society, at its meeting held on October 25, 2023, in accordance with Article 11 and Article 24 of the Statute, adopted the Rules on the Conditions and Procedures for Admission to Regular and Associate Membership of the Croatian Composers' Society, and the Rights of Rights Holders based on Article 227 of the ZASPSP Act (NN 111/21). The text of the Rules can be downloaded HERE.

Admission to regular and associate membership is carried out exclusively based on an application/request for membership. Along with the application, the completed form and documentation proving the candidate's fulfillment of the conditions for admission to regular or associate membership as prescribed by these Rules must be submitted.

An associate member can be anyone who holds copyright on a musical work and has authorized HDS-ZAMP to protect those rights. This applies to individuals (composers, arrangers, adaptors, lyricists, and similar, as well as their heirs), as well as legal entities (publishers or music publishers). The so-called related rights, which are held by performing artists (performance rights of instrumentalists, singers, conductors, etc.) or phonogram producers (rights of owners of recorded material), are protected in Croatia by organizations such as HUZIP and ZAPRAF. The rights of associate members in the field of copyright protection are the same as those of regular members, but only a limited number of associate members participate in the management of the association. Currently, there are around 11,500 associate members of HDS, those who have entrusted the protection of their copyright to our association by power of attorney, and more than half of them participate in the distribution of copyright funds each year.
Informacije o pristupanju u pridruženo članstvo HDSa Hrvatska udruga za zaštitu izvođačkih prava (HUZIP) Udrugu za zaštitu, prikupljanje i raspodjelu naknada fonogramskih prava (ZAPRAF)