Why become a member?

Pursuant to the Constitution of the Composers’ Society, its members are either associate or regular.

The associate membership is open to any individual who claims the copyright of a musical work for which he/she gives power of attorney to the Croatian Composers’ Society-Protection of Music Copyright Unit. This includes physical persons (composers, arrangers, adapters, text writers, etc. and their heirs) as well as legal persons (publishers). The so-called related rights claimed by performers (the performing rights of instrumentalists, singers, conductors, and so on) and record companies (the phonographic rights of recording owners) are protected by the Croatian Performers’ Rights Collecting Society and the Phonographic Rights Protection, Collection and Distribution Association respectively.

The rights of associate members concerning the copyright protection are equal to the rights of regular members. However, only a limited group of associate members is included in the Society management.

The number of associate members of the Croatian Composers’ Society, that is to say, those who entrusted our institution with the copyright protection by having given us the power of attorney, amounts to 8,000 persons. Over half of them claim the right to the royalties distribution every year.

Regular membership in the Croatian Composers’ Society is available to every professional individual who has been continuously involved in composing all musical genres or in writing and publishing texts about music. In order to become a regular member of the Society, every candidate must submit an application letter supplemented with the evidence of quantity and quality of his/her work, as well as of his/her continuous professional activity over a number of years. All the application documents and other requirements are defined by the Society’s Regulations pertaining to admission for regular membership. The applications are usually received three or four times a year. As a rule, all individuals who become regular members retain this status for life.

Every regular members is given both an active and passive voting right (he/she can vote at the Assembly and become elected to the Society’s bodies) pursuant to the Associations Act and the Constitution of the Composers’ Society. In addition to this, regular members are granted the benefits which associate members do not have. In early 2014, the Croatian Composers’ Society had 349 regular and around 8,000 associate members.

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Tel: +385 1 4872 370
Berislavićeva 9, Zagreb
e-mail: info@hds.hr

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