Bodies of the Society

The administration of the Croatian Composers’ Society, as a trade association, is dictated by the Act on Associations and the Statute of the Society (HDS), which is based on many practical details derived during more than six decades of its existence. Certain aspects of the Society’s activities are governed by specific internal rules and regulations, such as the Rules on the Exercise of Copyright and the Distribution of Royalties, the Regulations for Admission to Regular Membership, the Rules of Order, the Regulations on Annual Awards, etc.

The highest governing body is the General Assembly, with each regular member having one vote. Since 2008, a limited number of associate members have also participated in the Assembly’s work. Regular Assemblies are held once a year (usually in June), and a special Assembly may also be convened if necessary. The Assembly is responsible for strategic planning that affects the long-term policies of the Society: it adopts the reports of the Presidency and the Supervisory Board, introduces changes to the Statute, etc. All members can bring their proposals before the Assembly for its consideration. The Assembly holds elections for the Presidency and the Supervisory Board every four years. The persons elected by all members voting and present serve a four-year term of office. 2016 was the election year.

Twelve-member Presidency, consisting of four representatives of classical music, four representatives of popular music, two representatives of musicologists and music writers, one representative of publishers and one representative of song writers, selects its President and Vice-president for the duration of the Presidency. Customarily, the representatives of composers of popular and classical music take turns in holding these offices. The President represents the Society and is responsible for its operations, while the Presidency manages the Society during its term of office and is directly accountable to the Assembly. Presidency sessions are usually held about ten times a year. The office of the Presidency is unpaid, although its members are entitled to compensation for session attendance as well as travel and other expenses, in case they travel in the official capacity and represent the Society outside their residence. The same applies to the President and Vice-president.

The Secretary-General is the head of the Society’s professional service, and is selected through a competition among the regular members of the Society. Customarily, the Secretary-General is elected for the duration of the Presidency, but may be re-elected. Like the President, the Secretary-General also represents the Society and is responsible for its operations, but the duties of the Secretary-General also include the day-to-day work, as he/she is responsible for the activities of all employees i.e. the professional service, so that he/she is more deeply involved in the overall aspects of the management of the Society as a business, social and cultural entity. The Secretary-General may suggest up to three Secretaries (Advisors or Deputies) to the Presidency who are subsequently responsible for a particular business segment on the Secretary-General’s behalf. The Secretary-General shall also receive compensation for his/her work.

The Supervisory Board supervises the work of the Presidency, Secretary-General, ZAMP service and other services of the HDS in view of the legality, concordance with the Statute as well as justifiability of certain business decisions, i.e. their quality. The Supervisory Board customarily meets once a year to analyze business records from a certain period and holds several sessions. The members of the Supervisory Board are also unpaid.

The post of the Director of ZAMP is also defined by the Statute, and his/her powers are limited to the operations of the ZAMP service. The duties of the Director of ZAMP are supervised by the Presidency and the Secretary-General.

Regular assembly of the Society is held at least once a year. The regular elections for the Presidency are held every four years. All regular members have the voting right.

Twelve-member Presidency (four members from classical and four from popular music sections, two from the musicologist and music writer sections, one from the publisher section and one from the song writer section) are elected to a four-year term of office.

The Presidency selects among its members its President and Vice-president for the duration of the Presidency.

The Presidency announces the competition for the Secretary-General among the regular members of the Society. The Secretary-General is customarily elected for the duration of the Presidency.


Presidency of the Croatian Composers’ Society

Supervisory Board of the Croatian Composers’ Society
Commission for Admission to Regular Membership
Publishing Committee
Copyright Committee




Tel: +385 1 4872 370
Berislavićeva 9, Zagreb

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